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Maintain Your Spinal Health While Enjoying the Great Outdoors

men outdoor walkingNow that summer’s here and we’ve shed those heavy coats, many of us can’t wait to get outside and enjoy various activities. Whether it’s hiking, biking, fishing, or any of the myriad activities available here in Sioux Falls, it’s important to maintain spinal health to fully enjoy your favorite pursuits without the risk of injury.

Embrace the Outdoors Safely

Living in the north means we spend a significant portion of the year looking forward to the few months of pleasant weather. The last thing you want is an injury, which can ruin this priceless period of warmer temperatures.

Weekend warriors often enthusiastically engage in activities, but it’s important to remember that even tasks like mowing the lawn should be approached as workouts if you’re not accustomed to regular exercise.

Preparing for Activities

To prevent injuries, it’s essential to prepare your body before diving into activities. Dr. Snyder advised, “It’s progressive overload, right? If you go from not doing anything to going on a two-mile hike, there’s a good chance you’re going to be miserable.” Gradually increasing your activity levels will help your body adjust and reduce the risk of injury. Warm-ups and stretching are also crucial to prepare your muscles and joints for the physical demands.

Favorite Outdoor Spots in Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls offers numerous outdoor spots perfect for various activities. The Sioux Falls Bike Trail is a favorite among locals and winds around the city, providing a scenic route for biking.

Falls Park is a great place to walk in the heart of the city, and the Palisades and Newton Hills state parks offer beautiful landscapes for hiking and exploring. For those seeking more extreme adventures, the Black Hills provide challenging hikes and stunning views. Dr. Snyder noted, “If you’re gonna head to the Black Hills, you probably need to work your way up.”

Enjoying the outdoors is a fantastic way to stay active and healthy, but it’s important to approach it mindfully. Preparing your body, understanding your limits, and gradually increasing your activity levels can help you avoid injuries and make the most of the summer months.

Give Your Spine a Tune-up This Season

We want to help you enjoy optimal spinal health so you can do what you love this season and all year. Schedule an appointment today at our Sioux Falls location!

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